
  • Total activity 1034
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Activity overview

Latest activity by Support-Staff
  • Support Staff created an article,


    Article placeholder            

  • Support Staff created an article,

    Alert Settings

    How to manage your Alert Settings

  • Support Staff created an article,

    Notification Settings

    App notifications and how to manage them

  • Support Staff created an article,

    Drop a Pin

    What is a Drop a Pin?

  • Support Staff created an article,

    Setting up Events

    Benefits of setting up Events

  • Support Staff created an article,

    Setting up Groups

    Benefits of setting up Groups

  • Support Staff created an article,

    Paid Plan Vs Free Plan

    What is the difference between the Free versus Paid plan?

  • Support Staff created an article,

    Battery Settings

    What are the different battery settings and what should I choose?

  • Support Staff created an article,


    Tracking  Overview of Tracking How can I view someone’s tracking history? How do I make a Tracking Request? How do I manage connections I’m tracking and those tracking me?

  • Support Staff created an article,

    Benefits of importing your phone & email connections