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Recent activity by Support-Staff Recent activity Votes
  • How do I leave a group?

    All you have to do is go to the main group page and on the bottom right click the word Leave.

  • What are public versus private groups versus local groups?

    When creating a group you can choose to make it public or private. Private groups are best to create for just you and your family and friends. Public groups are great for publicizing an event ...

  • How do I create a group?

    All you have to do is go the main groups page and on the top right click the + icon and you will be taken to a screen to create the group. Be sure to give it a name and you can add or invite all th...

  • How long do Groups last after they are created?

    Groups last as long as the admin who created it, keeps it going. Only admins can delete a group.

  • What is the purpose of a group?

    Groups are a great way to keep track of your friends and family when out at an event together like an amusement park, or when traveling together or just when a group of people are all going out. Th...

  • What are all my privacy options?

    At Serendipity, we take your privacy very seriously. We allow you to do many things to protect yourself and these include the following: Turn off Broadcast location: You can turn off tracking at ...

  • Does Serendipity work on all phones?

    Serendipity works on 99.6% of all phones worldwide or iOS or Android and Serendipity has an app for both platforms. So rest assured, your connections will be on one of these two platforms and our a...

  • How is Serendipity Tracking me?

    Well, Serendipity is actually tracking your phone. Our app will show your phone’s location.

  • How is Serendipity different than other tracking apps?

    Serendipity’s whole goal is to focus on tracking and making life easier and safer for people around the world so they can track their loved ones. Other apps focus on features you don’t need, like i...

  • My phone doesn’t seem to work properly and doesn’t update when I close the app...why is that?

    There are a list of Android phone manufacturers that focus more on battery life than the proper functionality of the apps on your phone. Sometimes they don’t allow apps to work in the background to...